On learning to draw

A friend of mine asked my advice on teaching her art-loving young child to draw using how-to guides/formulas and my gut response was Nooooo! I couldn't explain why, but I've been thinking about it and here's why I wouldn't try to teach a young child how to draw... 

1. Learning the so-called rules for drawing often overpowers the most important thing about drawing - the ability to see.

2. The implication of teaching someone how to draw is that there is a right way and a wrong way to draw. If that was the case, all art would look the same.

3. An artist will learn through the best possible means - exploration - there's no need to assist them, only to equip them.

3. Formulas for drawing often follow a left-brained way of thinking and it encourages copying images like a camera. But we have cameras, so...?! 4. Left-brained formulas for drawing are downers for predominantly right-brained creators and can hamper a growing love for art.

5. Drawing formulas assume perfect proportions (like symmetrical faces) when nothing is perfect.

5. There's a magic to a line that is drawn freely, without hesitation, and it's easily lost when drawing according to the rules.

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