What can we learn from lockdown? 7 Lockdown life lessons

 Lockdown hasn’t been easy, and COVID-19 is scary, but being stuck at home has had some benefits...

This virus has freaked me out ever since I learnt about it, and we've been taking precautions – like avoiding crowded spaces - since February. So, when lockdown started on 26 March, I felt oddly relieved. Finally, the virus was been taken seriously. 

The relief didn’t last long though -  this pandemic is an emotional rollercoaster. Some of the lockdown regulations have sucked – like being deprived of wide, open natural spaces - and I worry about how social isolation and pandemic fears could all affect my child’s mental health. However, I'm grateful to be able to stay safe at home and for what lockdown has taught me...

1. It's possible to save money while shopping online

I always thought shopping online and getting groceries delivered would be more expensive, but we seem to be spending less while shopping online. 

Yes, we often have to pay for delivery and we sometimes paying a little more for some essentials, but since we aren’t going to the shops, we aren’t adding in any little extras to our trolley. Here re other ways, we're saving money:

  • We do bigger shops less often
  • We are more focused on reducing food waste
  • We buy a bit more when an essential is on special
  • We’re eating more plant-based meals – hello lentil dishes

2. There's fun to be had at home

Weekends used to be all about outings. Now we have family dance parties, make pizza together on a Friday night, we’re trying a family movie night, we have picnics in our garden and we play balloon tennis inside when it’s cold outside. We've even tried paper plate ice-skating. 

3. It doesn't have to be Pinterest-pretty to be pretty awesome

When the lockdown was first extended, we moved our furniture around for a change. Recently, I started craving magical bright, bold and beautiful decor - so unlike me. So we made a colourful egg box chandelier and stuck up my son’s art in the bathroom. 

It’s not my usual style, but I love it – it’s more creative, fun and reflective of our little family than any Pinterest-worthy decor could ever be. 

4. A garden is a gift 

We spend more time in our garden than ever before - going outside is the new going out after all. It's made me appreciate our little green haven even more. 

I’m also trying to use the space better and grow some fruit, veg and herbs. We planted parsley and a granadilla plant. We planted tomato seeds from slices of a store-bought tomato, replanted the stalks of store-bought lettuce and the end slice of a store-bought onion and they are all growing. We moved our strawberry plants into a sunnier spot and transplanted our gooseberry plants. We’ve had some fails – like the gem squash seeds that never sprouted, but all in all, I’m enjoying our little farm.

5. Better work/life/family balance

This slower pace suits me. I no longer feel rushed to get my kid ready for school, my husband is saving time commuting and we're getting to do simple things, like eating three meals together. 

My husband goes to work once or twice a week. On the days he works from home, he saves about 1, 5 – 2 hours of commuting time. He’s also at home to help out more, so we’ve both managed to work and take turns looking after our little.

All this time-saving and better work-life balance has meant that we’ve managed to work out more often. In the past, we only had time to work out over the weekend - taking turns to go for runs (him) and brisk walks (me)-and now we work out together 3 – 5 times a week doing a simple HIIT workout in our garden while our little either plays or watches TV. Full credit to my Mr because he found the workout plan.

My usually tight skinny jeans are fitting again, I’m fitter and I even managed 15 men’s push-up in a row the other day (whoop-whoop). 

6.   Fancy-free 

I don’t wear much make-up. My basic look includes mascara and lippy (which I also use as blush) – but for the first two weeks of lockdown, I couldn’t find my makeup bag. I started to get used to my makeup-free face and I feel like there’s something liberating about that.

7.   Forced to find creative ways to be creative

I love to draw and paint, but after having a child, it's been a struggle to fit in.

My husband and I used to take turns to take our little out every other Saturday or so to give each other a break. When it was my turn for a break, I’d usually work on a painting. Obviously, this has not been an option during lockdown so I’m learning how to squeeze in time for art, even if it's painting with my son using a kiddie watercolour set. It's not always easy because I miss painting alone, but I need art - it's one of the things that helps keep me sane.

There’s no denying it - lockdown has challenged, frustrated and even depressed me from time to time, but it’s also helped me grow and it's helped our little family grow closer. For that, I'm grateful. 

What has lockdown taught you?

P.S. You might like to read How to work from home with a kid (COVID-19 Lockdown)

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