A Baby & Tipex #PortraitaDaySA Day 11

A baby and Tipex (AKA white-out) is never a good combination. However, when the cross-hatched ballpoint pen chin shadows, on a drawing of a baby girl, end up looking like five o'clock shadows, finding Tipex offers some light relief. 

And once there's one white squiggle, I just had to make more. Go figure! 

This is Day 11 of my #PortraitaDaySA project - a pen drawing from a photo I took of a friend's baby. 

I used to think that drawing a baby was harder than drawing an adult. After drawing my youngest nephew and this little darling, I've come to enjoy the challenge of following curved lines of rounded cheeks and pudgy arms. I couldn't ask for sweet subject matter. 

Oh, yes, and I know I'm way behind on the blogging bit of this project. There'll be more soon. In the meantime, check out all the published drawings here

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